Resilience is an individual set of abilities, but it’s so much more meaningful when it’s built as a shared resource or a collective resource among a team.
To put this into context, members of the most elite teams on the planet have built their individual resilience, but so have their teammates. Take Navy Seals for example, they are required to make it through one of the toughest entrance exams on the planet, but to be a Navy Seal you are not just required to make it through the individual tests, they require you to ‘team’ with others. You can be the best individual operator, someone who is nailing all the tests, but if you haven’t teamed with your colleagues you will not make it through as a Navy Seal.
Leaders who experience Resilience training without their team can be a beacon of Resilience for their teams, and we equip Leaders with tools and resources to help them role model Resilience. But a whole team that goes through Resilience training together means they are equipped to support each other during good times and bad. They have a common language and set of tools for facing inevitable setbacks and challenges together, as a unit.
You can be the most Resilient person on the planet, but if you are part of a team that’s not Resilient then it doesn’t mean much. And vice-versa, you can be someone who is low in Resilience, but if you are part of a Resilient team then it elevates you.
So the best teams and businesses build their Resilience as a collective, not just an elite or special few!
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