PODCAST (15 mins): Being heart smart
Interested in discovering and pursuing your passion? Here’s some valuable tips from a guy who has!
We recently talked with Ben Cannon, a down-to-earth Aussie dad who took a huge risk in giving up a successful six figure career to start a company that’s sole mission is to help save lives. This podcast is for people curious about how others have discovered and pursued their passion, which for Ben came after the unexpected and possibly preventable loss of his father. Ben shares some sage advice relevant for whatever passion, purpose or career you are pursuing.
* We record our podcasts remotely, so please forgive us if the sound isn’t perfect.
Meet the guest
Ben Cannon
Ben Cannon is the founder and Managing Director of Corporate AED Solutions and theDEFIBwarehouse. Sudden Cardiac Arrests happen every 10 minutes and kill more people than all cancers combined. Ben’s mission to get defibrillators into as many public spaces as possible is a lifelong one, which he could really do with your help with… If you have a business with lots of employees, or one where lots of members of the public regularly visit your premises, then you, your colleagues and your staff could literally save a life by having a defibrillator on hand. To get yourself and your business heart start smart visit theDEFIBwarehouse.