Yoga for mental wellbeing

Yoga for mental wellbeing

PODCAST (15 mins): Yoga for Mental wellbeing Joined by Psychologist & yoga teacher Nadine Neukirch, we discussed her latest research into the psychological benefits of yoga. OVERVIEW We recently talked with clinical psychologist registrar and trained yoga teacher...
Eliminate unwanted thoughts

Eliminate unwanted thoughts

Eliminate unwanted thoughts Achieving your goals often requires eliminating unwanted thoughts, here’s how. THEORY Achieving your goals often involves consciously trying to keep particular thoughts out of your mind. If you want to lose weight you’ll try not to...
Declutter your life

Declutter your life

Declutter your life Understanding why you find it hard to give stuff away, and how to easily overcome it. THEORY Q: How do you instantly double something’s value? A: By thinking about giving it away.   If you’ve ever felt overly possessive about your regular...
Finding your purpose

Finding your purpose

Finding your Purpose With one third of your life spent working, a purposeful career means everything. THEORY What life do you want to live? How would you like to be remembered?   As children we have idealistic fantasies about a career, typically involving...
Increasing self-esteem

Increasing self-esteem

Increasing self-esteem Your self-esteem is being determined by when and who you compare yourself to. THEORY Humans are the only creatures capable of thinking about the future, which results in the realisation we will all eventually meet our maker. We can’t change this...